The Dream

So that was Oz!

I am now back in England at Dave's sisters place. Nothing has changed. It's cloudy, cold and wet. Not the house of course but outside.

It feels like I never went. Those seven weeks went by so fast it makes my head spin, or maybe that is the Jetlag? The last couple of weeks were spent Just lazying around the pool and saving money. We went to Byron which is the most eastern point of Australia. Pics on facebook will appear as soon as I'm done with this. They also had some pretty cool shops but as I said, We were on a budget. The coast was absolutely beautiful but it was also very windy which wasn't to nice. Bare in mind though, it was still warm enough to just have a tee on. haha.

When we went to the Currumbin wildlife sanctuary we bought a two day ticket. The second day (after we came back from the roadtrip) was spent climbing the trees in their Jungle gym called "The green Challenge". That was a blast but god what a workout! We were about twenty metres off the ground the whole time. Climbing trees, ropes, swings and flying foxes! The link will show you the whole course on their website. I have to admit I didn't make it all the way. I got as far as to the red course (second hardest part). But at the end of it you had to climb down a big net before you could continue on to the black course. Now a net is easy enough to climb free style. But when you have to stop every second step to remove and reattach security straps, it takes a little on you arms. So By the time I got down it I was wrecked. I really have no arm muscles at all. I tried to tell myself that I just needed a rest and would be fine afterwards. But starting on the black course was a ladder. Sounds simple enough only the ladders steps were about a meter apart from each other, and again, you ahve to make sure your a attached with your security straps the whole way up. By the time we reached the first platfrom I was dizzy. So i decided to take the little flying fox down. I was dizzy and my arms like rubber. From what I could see the black course was all about arm strength so I saw myself defeated. Dave kept going though (my strong man ♥) and was rewarded in the end. At teh end of the black course is the biggest flying fox you could ever imagine. It must have stretched over a hundred meters! I was jealous cause i really wanted to go on it. We were both wrecked afterwards though and spent the rest of the week trying to use our arms as little as possible. WARNING: If you ever try this course, be prepared to discover muscles you never knew you had, and that is NOT in a good way.

We also went to Wet n Wild (finally!!) with Jaqui and Nigel and that was awesome. It's a water theme park with the coolest rides ever! They had this Cone looking thing and a steep back and forth ride that just kills your back but tickles your stomach so much you just have to love it! We all came home with several bruises and enough water in our noses to flood The Sahara.

Some other days were spent on the beach, in the pool, in front of the fan and one night in David's uncle's penthouse in the middle of Surfers Paradise. Absoulutely beautiful place. Imagine what you see on MTV Cribs and you get the idea.

I'm glad to be back and sad at the same time. Like I said before, the time went by so quickly It all really feels like a dream. But it was a wonderful dream. I met new friends and old. spent a lot of time in the sun, saw everything that you could possibly think of seeing and had e great seven weeks of experiences. I could see myself going back there another time again. Let me know when you've saved up enough money mom :)

This week will be spent trying to find a flat for me and Dave in Hitchin. Shouldn't be too difficult. We've aldready looked at places and there seems to be a lot availabe for us. It will also be a lot cheaper. about £600 for a two bedroom flat (tre rum och kök, svensk standard). Think that the little closet we lived in in Camden was £750.

Oh! and I'm starting the week with a kickstart too! Carolyn invited me to come to her Poledancing class. It is like their second class so everyone is kind of new and a lot of people will be going so it will be a good laugh I think. Let's see how long I'll make it before the Jetlag really kicks in or my arms fail me again.

Wish me luck
Love you all

Postat av: pappa

i love yu boust

2010-03-13 @ 21:10:59

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