The magic land of Oz

I'm at Caths and just thought I'd update quickly. Daves is watching the cricket (snoooor) with Dan and Cath is cleaning and taking care of her daughter.

So not much has happened really. It feels like a normal holiday. New years eve we wnt over to Dan's and Beau's place for a party with their and daves friends. It was an awesome new year. Everyone was really nice and funny and i had a great time. slept like a baby when we finally went to bed at about four or five in the morning.
Sue's and Rob's (daves parents) house is beautiful! they have an even more beautiful lagoon in the back with a pool and plants and everything. It's like being at hotel! Love it.
Sad thing thought is that I still haven't seen much of the sun. I know it's around cause I've got a light tan but the clouds are just covering it. Dave says it's good thought cause it means you can get a good tan without putting loads of sunscreen on. I've done it anyways, can't be too careful with a skin as delicate as mine.
Yesterday we came here to meet up with daves two best friends and have a laugh, which we did. We played Rockband and watched funny films and slept the night.
Oz is wonderful. Still not cool enought for me to want to move here anytime soon. But wonderful non the less.
Anyways, back to being social. I'll countinue another time.
Love you all

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