
Damn it! I was going on with a lenghty one but the the computer at the airport timed out so..

Good day, night whatever. Just thought I'd give a quick update considering my phone doesn
't work anymore. Haven't seen the sun for weeks (or so it feels), not that i'm too worried considering I'll get more than my fair share of it in a couple of hours!

The flight wasn't so bad as everyone had told me it would be, but it definetly wasn't pleasent either! i've learned my lesson and bought a a neck pillow as soon as i got out of the plane for my next leg of the journey. The food wasn't too bad, flight food you know, and there were loads of films, games, tv-shows and music to entertain you. I watched 9 (the latest Tim Burton), Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, three episodes of The It Crew and half an episode of Gossip Girl. I just can't watch is horrible!! I also listened to Clasical music, Chopin and Bach when i was trying to sleep. I never got the bluuh it's only been five min, feeling really. Like you got tired fo sitting down, but time flew by normally. maybe it is because i love watching film and tv so much..i don't know..

and we got to breathe some fresh air (before we polluted it with smoke). They have an outdoor smoking area. It's 29 degrees and the humidity is about 99% (or so it feels anyway!)

I think that's it for me for now. I'm going straight to the pool to sleep and then on to a new years eve party with dave and his freidns so the update might come a day or two later.

Talk to you then!

(P.s again, addresses for postcards back home goes in a comment D.s)

Ode to a mother

An hour to go and then we will be on our way to the magic land of Oz!!! Woohoo! I am so excited and already tired at the same time, tired of my extremely stressed out boyfriend! He means well, but just chill man! But i suppose he won't chill till we are by the pool with a drink in our hands, i can't hold out for that i think. Bless him, i love him so much.

It will be a perfect start to a new year.

this year has been amazing already, I've lived in london, met some great friends for life, a boyfriend to jump a bridge for (and go to the other side of the world of course!) and learnt so much it feels like my head and heart will explode! Still it would not be if not for a certain person.

The one who comforts when you're sad, gives you advice (even when you don't want it) and supports you through thick and thin. Or that is at least what my mother has done for me. She raised me to be good, kind and understanding. She raised me to be smart and to think before acting. She raised me to become a person and I'm sorry for bragging but I think she did a damn good job at it too. Not only did she manage to turn a little baby in to a grown woman living in another country but she also loved her. A love that only a mother can provide and so rarely is returned the way it is deserved. So here is my way of returning. I love her to death, the most and with a passion. She always understands, even when I don't deserve it, and now she is letting her daughter go to the other side of the world! Like another country wasn't enough! And i jsut want to say thank you, for being you, for being my mum. You are the best.

So wish me luck everyone.
I love you and I will see you soon

(P.s If you want a postcard, just put your address in a comment and I'll send it as soon as possible D.s)

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