
Hej hej alla! Tänkte skriva på svenska för en gång skull för jag längtar hem lite. (Dave I'll translate it for you whenever you want)

Så denhär kommande veckan så kommer jag vara ledig vaaarje dag! Härligt för då kommer jag ifrån jobbet och får tid till att kolla på universitet och sånt..Träna massor kommer jag göra och lata till mig och ta det lugnt denhär helgen, är fortfarande öm från förra veckans träning!
Så varför jag är ledig iaf är för att jag fortfarande har semesterdagar över från dethär året så sandra frågade om jag ville ta dem, Visst varför inte tänkte jag, borta från jobbet men får betalt för hela veckan ändå! Så hon la in många dagar denhär veckan. Tänkte först att jag kanske skulle överraska er i sverige men har faktiskt inte pengar till att göra det så jag stannar här istället. Det är mest därför jag längtar hem, när man vet att jag SKULLE KUNNA men kan egentligen inte för att jag måste spara mina pengar till Australien. Nu i efterhand däremot så ångrar jag lite också att jag tog dem för om jag hade sparat dem och så kundej ag ha fått dem pengarna till australien. men som sagt..den tanken försvann när tanken av att vara borta från jobbet men ändå få betalt kom upp. För visst trivs jag med Jojo och Leila och Simon och..jag det är Simon jobbar deltid och Jojo likaså och Leila slutar nästa vecka för att hon fått ett riktigt jobb så.. Det är slönt att slappna av lite.

Iaf så km vi aldrig iväg till Pub Quiz för att Bonnies ansikte såg ut som two-face från Batman, fast över hela ansiktet! Hon har problem med sin hy så ho hade en behandling gjord som kommer ta ungefär sex veckor. Vad hon gör är att helt enkelt ta ort ALL gammal hy som hon har och sen i slutet (om allt går som det ska) så kommer hon ha en hy lika fin och känslig som en babys i ansiktet. Så nu ser hon ganska hemsk ut från tid till tid så hon hade ingen större lust att gå ut, vilket jag kan förstå. Hon till och med sjukanmälde sig från jobbet för att det var var och sår över hela ansiktet (vilket inte är så trevligt om man serverar mat och dricka!).

Det är konstigt. Nu när jag skriver på svenska så har jag faktiskt väldigt svårt för det! Jag upptäcker grammatiska fel överallt och dem jag inte har upptäckt ber jag om ursäkt för.. Jag kommer aldrig glömma svenska såklart och jag kommer alltid kunna prata och skriva, men nu så tänker jag på engelska och jag pratar engelska varje dag!

Tillbaka till vad som händer så har jag fått en förkylning nu med! Både Leila, Chris och Jojo har haft det dem senaste veckorna och sen Sandra och nu jag! Ingent seriöst, bara snysningar och lätt hosta men det är fortfarande irriterande! Ikväll så ska jag och Dave ut med Bonnie (och hennes pojkvän kanske?!?!) och käka iddag, det började med att vi kulle på en maskerad men hon är fortfarande lite för osäker över hennes ansikte för att vara social och vi är alla lite för lata för att klä ut oss men middag där vi kan klä oss som vi vill och äta god mat funkar för alla! Det blir antinge Curry eller Thai, jag hoppas på Curry för då vet jag ett jättebra ställe i Brick Lane. 

Ses senare i veckan när jag kan uppdatera er med min träning och lilla semster!
Älskar er alla massor. (speciellt dig mamma) 


The Fastest of friends

Hi hi hi!
Not much has happened since last time really.. I've been working and working. But last friday i bought a Wii Fit(amazing!!) so that i can get in good shape for a bikini in Oz. I have just finsihed a one and half hour workout with Yoga, muscle excersizes, kickboxing, aerobics and running.. And to slow myself down and not die i did some fun balance games in between, Slalom, snowboarding, penguin glide and some hoola hoops to warm back up. It is so much fun and I feel so much safer in my own flat. Sure it cost me a lot of money. But consedring I'm far too self conscious for any type of public workout (get upset even when Dave is saying anything about what I'm doing with the Wii!) this feels great. I can work up a real sweat in my own flat without worroying about how other people look when they run past or people taring at you in the gym (even if it's just because they're waiting for the machine). So I think this is going to go great. !!!

My only Vice that i have now is that i have found the best donuts in the world!! and do you know why they are the best? Cause never even liked donuts and now i love them!! Or i liked them but never thought much of them..but at tesco in Hammersmith they have this brand called Krispy Kreme doughnuts and they are sooo good you just die when you have one. They are my only threat for my great bikini body...

And at work Sandra is showing her appreciation. Taking me to a Gin-tasting (maybe) and just gives me more and more responsibilites all the time. She has given me (and jo) the job to plan a theme night at the stonemasons that every fullers pub have every year. We have all decided that it's going to be  Fun-fair with candy floss (sockervadd), old school sweets, Hook a Duck, dart, lottery and beer of course! I made the suggestion that we contact Save the children (who has meetings at our pub on a regular basis) and ask them for some freebies (like T-shirts, pens, stickers anything they can give really) and in exchange we'll make it a "Save the children Fun-fair day" where a percentage (haven't agreed on how big yet) of the profit goes to Save the Chidlren foundation. Smart eh? That way with the freebies we get we can give them out as prizes from all ours games that we are going to have! What do you think? On friday we're going to have a little brain storm about this cause it's only like a month away and there is a lot to consider! 

Tomorrow I'm off and I'm doing some excersise, then harvesting and then I'm going to the pub anyways with Bonnie to win the pub quiz. Wish me luck!!! and on saturday Bonnie also invited me and Dave to a Fancy dress party (maskerad) that we are going to. I just don't know what to dress as? I was thinking Hippie cause I already have so many flower power dresses and skirts i could easilyu pull it off with my wardrobe but it seems a bit boring. Bonnie is going as an elefant..what do you think i should be??

anyways. off to bed now! 
good night


Monday 12-3 4-CL

Chaos! The started off boring though. Lunch service wasn't very busy and me and Leila had everything under control. Chris (the supposedly supervisor) was setting up for a sit-down dinner for 40 people upstairs. They were going to have starter, main and dessert at eight the same night.
So skipping straight to the part of chaos. As soon as they start arriving Chris told me that me and Hamish were to be the ones who brought all the food up and down the stairs..fair enough i thought, all good to me. What happened though was that i took care of everything! I was the one who talked to the hostess about how many people that had actually arrived, got her stupid little scribbled check list of what everyone was eating and had to count all the starters, mains and dessert for the kitchen to cook. there were 31 people out of 40. Now I am a bar staff, it is not my job to do this, i have never been instructed on how to deal with these things. If it was my job i sure as hell would have made a lot more preperations than Chris had! like get that stupid food list off the hostess before she even arrived! Of course Alan, the head chef, was seeing red. I didn't know what i was doing (bar staff that i am), counting chicken mains and squid starters for dear life and whenever Alan asked Chris what was going on he decided to just walk awkwardly away and stay out of Alans sight. I had to deal with everything and then at the end of the night he and Jo has the nerve of telling Sandra that everything went great! Great?!?! I was on the verge of crying and Alan was ready to take the house down! Sure the customer was happy and i suppose that is all that matters to these "the customer is more important than the welfare of your staff and there is no way we are going to budge unless you're dying and the customers are complaining about it". Anyways Alan told Sandra the truth that chris was useless and that everything was a failure. good on him!

and as if this wasn't enough i got to bed thinking i lost my wallet! I was waiting for the bus, it came and i realised that my wallet (with my oyster card inside) wasn't in my bag. The busdriver was kind enough to let me on anyways but i couldn't go. I had to go back to work to see if it was there. Ink black darkness prevented me from seeing anything so i went back to the bus station half crying. Turned out though that it was in the pub. Got it back the next day! So it's all good :)

and to celebrate that i found my wallet that i never really lost i got a haircut! Again i can't upload it so I'll email you a pic mom.

Also dad just called..He's coming to England tomorrow afternoon..we're having dinner and then he's going up to leeds to see Stefan. Or so it seems anyways.


[500] Days of Summer

Just want to start off with saying congratulations again to Rebecca and Micke for your new baby girl! Looking forward to seeing her at Christmas! XXX

Another weekend off wich i love. I slept till I wasn't tired and met up with Jennifer for lunch and shopping. How I'm going to miss her. We haven't gotten to see each other much these last months but this is how I thought it would be when we first moved here. We would start up a new life and live and see each other like we always used to. I will miss you much babe. Take care and come back safe.

After that I went to the movies with Dave and saw "500 Days of Summer". a great film! I absolutley loved it. What if love was just like that? Maybe not the ending as such but the beginning and the middle.. Happy banter about anything and everything, Jokes that aren't even funny but you piss yourself none the less, secrets, passions and romantic moments that burns into your heart like a tattoo. ...What if life and relationships where just like that?

Oh wait...It Is!!


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