something, something, something vacation

Hello everybody,

Sorry I haven't updated earlier. I have no excuse.
So all the University stuff is done with now. I have applied to Five different unis in central London. Wish me luck!

So Australia then..
Everything has been amazing. I loved Melbourne. It was definetly my kind of city. Architectual mayhem! Teh only prolbem with it was that the weather was sooo wierd! One minute it was boiling heat and then two minutes later it started raining! what's up with that? When I met up with Jennifer the first time it was sunny and warm and she had a jacket with her. I asked "what's up with the jacket, it boiling!" ad all i got was..You'll see. And sure enough. Ten minutes alter the wind picked up and I was freezing! not Jen though..cause she had her jacket..then another ten minutes and she was sweating though and i was back to normal..Wierd! We went to museums and my favourite part..Shopping!! One of dresses broke so I replaced it with two new ones. Gotta love the logic in that.

After melbourne we had a quick stop in Canberra to got to The National museum of Australia were they had a special exhibition of Masterpieces from Paris. That was amazing. It was about Post-impressionism wich is one of my favourites. All the pieces looked like old photgraphs or painted by memory wich makes them look so much more real to me.

From Canberra on to Sidney, which i think has been my favourite on this Journey. Sun everyday. We saw all the landmarks and ate dinner by the harbour (were Nemo was!!) watching the sun go down. We stayed at a great hotel for a lot cheaper than it should have been. It was four and half star for over half the price and i felt really pampered. It was in the middle of teh city and I had a reallt great time. We also took river cruises around the city. Both by night and day. It was beautiful. It was my favourite time because it felt like a real holiday. It was just me and Dave and we were both tourists. Sure it's been great to see everyone from london again and I have had a great time meeting new people. But it was nice to be able to slow down and just be the two of us. 

Being back on the coast has been nice too. We've been able to relax. see some more friends and just enjoy our vacation. Only problem though is that there is no sun because of the stupid clouds!!! 
Tomorrow we are going to Byron wich is the most western coast of Australia..If i remember correctly and then some other time this week we are going back to the sanctuary to climb and swing through trees in a sort of adult Jungle Gym. Looking forward to that!

Hope you guys are having a fantastic time as well.. I miss london and everyone. Being on the other side of the world feels wierd...

Hope I can do this again at some point. Have to slap myself from being so lazy.

Love you guys

Postat av: Mamma

Vad kul att du har skrivit massor, jag har också kollat på bilderna på facebook.

2010-02-02 @ 20:35:41
Postat av: jen

ey babe when are u back in LDN?

Me and emma are looking for HOUSES atm, thought if we found a really big n nice house u and dave might wanna share?

Or have u got somehwhere allready?

Please call me or something, i miss u like crazy.


Londons aaaawesome!

love uu!

come back

2010-02-11 @ 17:42:02

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