I see you had a hit back in ‘89, too bad we all don't age as good as wine
Mamma: tack tack, det är skönt att höra att någon annan förutom dave läser den :) Det är ju mest för din skull som jag gör det.
Dave: I would never do that to squishi! I might throw something else though...
To be honest I'm just not tired at all..Don't have much to write really.
The green workshop went well..all very interesting and i managed to make an impact on the tutors for giving a good example for the company to look into.. was unsure wether i was going to say anything at all first cause it seemed so obvious but they seemed very impressed. I suggested that all of our delivery trucks were to be run by biogas or electricity..not too complicated or hard to figure out I'd say..especially if you got a whole team working for you to figure those stuff out!?
After that like i said before i spent my "break" getting from Bank to Hammersmith..during peak hours..not fun! The quiz tonight was though..If the bar staff would have played we'd won the whole thing..instead we just gave clues to anyone ordering a drink and had some fun amongst ourselves. The guys who won though gave us a tenner of the pot. I helped them with one question cause i wanted a cigarette and I'm sure everyone else behind the bar helped them to with one question each..they were nice guys though and very smart..they didn't need that much help really. Alex is so smart she could win the quiz all on her own.
I'm off tomorrow so I'll be up by twelve to watch veronica Mars and after that i might be heading to Next to spend my birthday present that i got from Carolyn.. We'll see how that goes.. Try and sleep now!
Good night!