Jag drömmer om en jul hemma

Only one more month and then I'll be back in sweden with loads of presents for you guys! I miss swedish christmas! now all that is missing is that it will be snowing when i come back. that would be great thanks santa!

and we have FINALLY bought the tickets for Oz! wowho!! so on the 29th of december I am going to Australiaaaa!! Go meee!! I'm so excited, it's going to be great! We're going to the goldcoast first where dave is from to stay with his parents, see his friends and go to the beach of course! Daves parents also have a pool!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! and hopefully we'll be able to afford a littel roadtrip down to sidney and melbourne to see all of our friends like Jennifer, Jackie and Nigel and maybe even Cass from work! 

I told Sandra about what's going to happen. She wasn't stoked I'll tell you that much but mostly i pretend it's because she'll miss my personality and not the fact that I'm leaving in the most busy week of the year. from the 15th to the 21st we are fully booked lunch till dinner! The best fo all is that I won't be there for it. Do people tip closer to christmas? NEVER IF THEY ARE MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE!! I thinks it's a company sickness...  So what I'm trying to say is that everyone will be working their butts off but they will get absolutely nothing for it! me on the other hand will be on my way to buckingham to move our little home to Daves sister. and then...


Tonight we're going to see Gomez though..we were supposed to go for dinner as well but because dave had to go up to Hitchin today we went yesterday instead. Italian stoneoven pizza. I had Breasola with artichokes, tomatoes and ricotta cheese. Magic!

see ya later!

Postat av: Mamma

Det ska bli jättekul att du kommer hem till jul, puss puss

2009-11-20 @ 21:00:05
Postat av: Anonym


men jag planerar att komma upp till goldcoast....tror jag. haha

2009-11-21 @ 04:22:28

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