Novembers Fools
Funniest thing happened the other day!
I bought a book for £ 7.99. or i was supposed to anyways. As i was paying, i put a five pund note on the counter while looking in my wallet for change, scrambled it together and passed him 3 pounds in coins, he checks them and tells me one of the coins is an american one! I swear a little to myself for accepting it in the first place and asks the guy if he's going to america anytime soon. he laughs and I give him another coin. He gives me one pence back and i grab my stuff and go. As i do so i realise that i also grabbed the fiver on the counter and was out on the street as i noticed it. I only paid 2.99 for it! Bonus, right!? I feel a bit bad now afterwards, I hope he didn't have to replace the fiver himself but at the same time...I paid 2.99 for a book that was supposed to be 7.99! Go me!
Tonight I'm cooking meatbaaalls a la birgitta!
see ya.
It was a small venue..about the same size as Koko and the line to the bar was never too long..not for me anyways :P They played all of my favourite songs from the new album and Dave was over the moon when they played his favourite song first. Although him and john (Daves friend from glasto) were dissapointed they didn't play the songs they wanted for the encore. But i was happy and had a great time!
i thiink that's all i wanted to a bit too hungover to focus..
work today at five though! wish me luck
Jag drömmer om en jul hemma
Only one more month and then I'll be back in sweden with loads of presents for you guys! I miss swedish christmas! now all that is missing is that it will be snowing when i come back. that would be great thanks santa!
and we have FINALLY bought the tickets for Oz! wowho!! so on the 29th of december I am going to Australiaaaa!! Go meee!! I'm so excited, it's going to be great! We're going to the goldcoast first where dave is from to stay with his parents, see his friends and go to the beach of course! Daves parents also have a pool!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! and hopefully we'll be able to afford a littel roadtrip down to sidney and melbourne to see all of our friends like Jennifer, Jackie and Nigel and maybe even Cass from work!
I told Sandra about what's going to happen. She wasn't stoked I'll tell you that much but mostly i pretend it's because she'll miss my personality and not the fact that I'm leaving in the most busy week of the year. from the 15th to the 21st we are fully booked lunch till dinner! The best fo all is that I won't be there for it. Do people tip closer to christmas? NEVER IF THEY ARE MORE THAN 8 PEOPLE!! I thinks it's a company sickness... So what I'm trying to say is that everyone will be working their butts off but they will get absolutely nothing for it! me on the other hand will be on my way to buckingham to move our little home to Daves sister. and then...
Tonight we're going to see Gomez though..we were supposed to go for dinner as well but because dave had to go up to Hitchin today we went yesterday instead. Italian stoneoven pizza. I had Breasola with artichokes, tomatoes and ricotta cheese. Magic!
see ya later!
Nothing bad has happened so far though, knock on wood. I got a lot of pay this week and lunch service was fun..I slept well and for as long as i could and i didn't trip over in my High Heels that i'm wearing today.
What I've decided to do to make my life a little bit more glamourous than it is now is to wear high heels as everytime i leave the front door. In high heels you just feel so cool! So That's what i'm doing now. feeling cool. I don't wear them all day at work though, that would kill me! It's not like I have an office job where i sit down most of the time. I spend 10 hours a day on my feet so I only wear the highs to and from work and then change to flats. The rest of the time when i'm not working is spent in highs though. So wish me luck cause I'm not that used to them at the moment and I do stumble sometimes. But at least they keep me warm cause I'll tell you this much, it IS a workout trying to walk normal in them.
Also on a crash diet for australia. Salad salad and more salad and soup for dinner the days I'm working. When I'm home it is small portions of whatever dave feels like cooking. The days i cook will be the same but that time hasn't come yet.
The pub is getting more and more busy by the week. Wich is nice cause time flies by but I'm also exausted when I come home. Also because we have som much new staff i don't spend as much time in the restaurant anymore wich is good cause I'm getting tired of alsways serving people. It's more fun in the bar.
In a weeks time it's only a month left before we leave!! so much fun..
Anyways that's it for now. Gotta go back to work in ten min and i got some stuff to do before that. See you later!
Raska på nu dumma flicka
Sorry for not writing in such a long time but i've been so busy. Or so it feels anyway..i know i've had days off, i just don't remeber them..These last couple of days I've woken up even more tired than when i went to bed..this morning i didn't even hear Dave get up..nor his cereal! thought I had overslept massively but when i turned around dave was up and about getting ready for work. and i fell right back asleep again. So tired.
So what has happened then since last? I wish i could remember!
Last saturday i went to a Halloween party with Bonnie and Ed cause dave was at his sisters. That was fun. I was dressed as a vampire and i thought i was going to look like everyone else. Turns out this years girls are suppsed to be sexy kittens so i was safe. Original. Every girl in the room was a cat (bonnie included, ver cute one too!)! Got very drunk but had heaps of fun. Thank you bonnie!
The friday before that..a week before me and dave where all spontanious and went out for drinks and Koko. That was haps of fun too but i got a little bit too drunk for my own good i think..dancing was more stumbling around and trying to see anything impossible! but loads of fun anyways, i love going out just the two of us. We had steak sandwiches that night to. I think I'm going to miss them the most when we move out of Camden..
The saturday after the friday we went out for drinks again with Bonnie and Ed. They were in Camden for a concert so we met up with them afterwards and went to a new bar called the blues kitchen, great cocktails..even though the last one caued me heartburns...serves me right for buying a tabasco and pepper based one! Good work on dave though for eating the pepper, cause apparently it was not a cheap weak one!
Now I'm going to pee then I'm going back to work so it was a short one..Might be able to write some more this weekend when we're going to Daves sister again for Finlays birthday.
Love you all